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SmartBench - Sending files

This article outlines the different ways that you can transfer files from your computer to SmartBench.

There are multiple ways that you can transfer your job files to SmartBench, either:

  • via your Wi-Fi network, using:

    • SmartTransfer (recommended)

    • FileZilla (advanced)

  • using a USB stick (no network needed, but slowest workflow)

Via Wi-Fi, using SmartTransfer (recommended)

If your SmartBench is connected to a Wi-Fi network, the quickest and easiest way to transfer files is with the SmartTransfer app. 

Click here to get started with SmartTransfer. 

Via Wi-Fi, using FileZilla (advanced option)

FileZilla offers the same workflow as SmartTransfer, with the following differences:

  • It is takes longer to set up, but

  • Allows folder management

Click here to get started with FileZilla. 

Via USB Stick (no network needed, but slowest workflow)

If your SmartBench is not connected to a Wi-Fi network, you will need to transfer files to SmartBench using a USB stick.

The file chooser on SmartBench console will automatically detect whether a USB stick is connected, and look for .nc and .gcode files. 

Click here to learn more about transferring files using a USB stick. 

Via Wi-Fi, using SmartTransfer

Via Wi-Fi, using FileZilla

Via USB stick