SmartBench PrecisionPro + Model Specific Features
- YetiPilot – World First Automated Adaptive Cutting Feeds
- Console 2 – Quicker processor, more memory, more storage
- ZHead V3
- 230V 1000W Spindle
- Digital speed control
- Improved spindle/spindle brush life times
- Auto Tool Stop if spindle is in constant overload
- Real time spindle load display
- Precision ER16 collet – max 10mm shank
- Dual Z Axis Lead Screws for additional ridgidity
- Laser X/Y Datum set point system
- Can accommodate up to a 10 amp extraction system
- SmartManager Single License
YetiPilot V1.0
- Reduced new material feeds and speeds learning curve
- Auto job strategy optimisation
- Ever increasing preset profiles based on material type, cutter dia and cutter type.
- Custom profile feature where you can create your own adaptive feed profile
- Blunt cutter job fail protection.
- Spindle health check
Console 2
- Increased CPU Speed 1.5 GHz
- Increased RAM 4GB
- Increased Memory 32 GB
- Second USB port
- Improved thermal management
- 10% quicker boot time
- 2.5 times faster file load speed
- Easy SD card replacement
- Increased file segment preview
- Easy to use step by step set-up wizard walks you through your cut.
- Navigation tabs allow you to navigate through the set up tasks.
- 10 different geometry types to choose from.
- Save your tool/job profile for a quick job turn around.
- Prompts and hints on process.
- Compatible with both inches and millimeters.
Ease of use
- Intuitive touch screen control.
- Wi-Fi (2.4GHz Network only)/USB connectivity for simple file transfer.
- Z Probe for fast, easy and accurate setting.
- Extraction system for clean operation.
- Pack up and store away in 3 minutes.
- Easy and quick calibration app ensures your SmartBench is always in tip top condition.
Improve efficiency
- Autonomous cutting – Working with you. SmartBench gets the job done whilst allowing you to get on with other tasks.
- Fast setup – plan your job on the touch screen, set your materials and press go.
- Astonishing job time – SmartBench can perform multiple cutting operations, dramatically improving your job time.
- SmartBench fits into a SWB Van.
- Sections have been made to be handled by one person.
- Nothing more required to start producing standard shapes than SmartBench and a router bit.
- Set up on site within 3 minutes.
- Height adjustable feet makes light work of setting up on un-even surfaces.
Large capabilities
- Process up to 2500mm (98.43”) x 1250mm (49.2”) sheets edge to edge.
- Use SmartBench in feed-through mode and process any length of work surface.
Multi materials
- Softwood and hardwood timber sections up to 150mm thick.
- Timber based composite boards
- Composite work-surfaces
- Polycarbonate, Acrylic and other forms of plastic
Quality and accuracy assured
- Accuracy of +/-0.5mm or better
- CE certified
- Remote software upgrades means you get the benefit of our ever increasing library of cutting apps
Safety in mind
- E Stop
- Interrupt bars along the x axis
- Cutter door open cut out switch

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