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Minimum 20% off SmartBench CNC machines. Up to 20% off Accessories

SmartBench - First setup

SmartBench First Setup - Overview

You can watch the video above for an explanation of first setup, or browse the articles below by expanding each section as you go along.

What is in the box?

SmartBench is packed in four different boxes. The table below represents what each box contains.

Box 1

1 x Z head assembly (including spindle)

1x  SmartBench console

1x Dust shoe plug

Box 2

1x Upper X beam

1x Lower X beam

Box 3

2x Pairs of legs

1x Power cable

1x Extraction cable

1x USB Stick

1x 6mm T handle driver

1x Wheel setting tool

1x Console safety bond

1x Collet (1/ 4”)

1x Collet Spanner

Box 4

  1x Y Bench

Unboxing the boxes

Follow the guide below to unbox the SmartBench, which will later help with the installation process. 

Please check the contents. If any of the above items are damaged or missing, please contact your point of purchase immediately.

Box 1 unboxing

Box 1 contains the Z head.

After cutting the tape, on top of the packaging there are some safety instructions and user guides as shown below.

The following documents are enclosed:

A: Yeti tool thank you note

B: Packing checklist

C: Information on the brushes

D: Quick start guide

E: Safety instructions

Remove the top layer of foam.

The Z head box also contains: 

F: Z head

G: Yeti hat

H: Dust shoe plug

I: Console

When the box is unpacked, your Z head (F), console (I) and dust shoe plug (H) should look like this:

Box 2 unboxing

Box 2 contains both upper and lower X beams.

Cut the tapes.

Open the packaging.

The upper and lower X beams should look like this:

J: Upper X beam

K: Lower X beam

Box 3 unboxing

Box 3 contains a pair of legs (2x) and a toolbox.

Cut the tapes and open the box.

The tool kit is located below the leg pairs as shown below.

L: Leg pair

M: Toolbox

The expected unboxing should look like this:

L: Leg pair (2x)

M: Toolbox

Toolbox unboxing

The toolbox contains all the necessary tools for the SmartBench.

The toolbox includes the following:

N: USB stick

O: Extraction cable

P: Power cable

Q: Console safety bond

R: Collet spanner

S: Wheel setting tool

T: Collet (1/ 4”)

U: 6mm T handle driver

Box 4 unboxing

Box 4 contains the Y bench assembly. Look for the label that says “OPEN THIS SIDE”. 

V: Strap

Lay the box flat on it’s other side, making sure the “Open this side” label is facing up. Remove the top latches and the screws on each end and the sides with a screwdriver or drill.

W: Latch

After removing the top latch plates and screws, the cover can be easily lifted off as shown below. 

To take the Y bench out, unscrew the four support wooden blocks with a screwdriver or drill.

X: Y bench

Y: Support wooden block

You will need 

  • Y Bench

  • Pair of Legs (x1)

Identifying Home and Far End locations

The Home end is marked with a Home symbol. Start with identifying the Home end of the Y Bench by looking for the Home symbol.

The far end has no marking as illustrated below: 

Assembling a leg set at Far End

Fit a pair of legs by first unfolding the legs.

Keep the clamp handles in an upright (unlock) position like this:

The clamp handles are unlocked when they are in an upright position.

 And are locked when they are in a pointing down:

Lift the FAR end of the Y Bench.

Double check that this is definitely the FAR end when you lift it – starting with the wrong end will cause problems in later steps. 

Align the clamping bolts of the Legs with the slots in the Y Bench end plate. 

A: Slots in the Y Bench

B: Leg clamping bolts

Slide the Leg clamp bolts into the slots in the Y Bench end plate like this:

It is important that the Legs are correctly positioned inside the Y Bench slots at the exact moment that the clamps are locked in place. 

Do not push the clamp handles down just yet – pay close attention to the next steps, as you will need to lift the whole assembly in a specific way whilst locking the legs into place.

Locking the clamp handles without lifting the assembly in the proper way will result in the legs being fitted at an angle. This will make the whole assembly unstable, and cause problems during machining.

Lift the end plate of the Legs, high enough that the feet are completely lifted off the ground.

Keeping the whole assembly lifted, push the handles down.

Do not twist the handle as this will change the clamping settings.

The clamp handles will close at an angle (as shown below) when they are tight. This is to enable easy access to unclamp.

Lower the assembly to the ground, so that the feet are resting on the floor. 

Great, you have installed the first pair of Legs!

You will need 

  • Lower X Beam

A close up of a deviceDescription automatically generated

  • Pair of Legs (x1)

A picture containing transportDescription automatically generated

Lifting the Y Bench 

Prior to installing the Lower X Beam, unfold the second pair of legs.

We will use them to temporarily support the Y Bench at the Home end.

Push the clamp handles on the Legs down, so that they do not get in the way while supporting the Y Bench. 

Do not twist the handles as this will change the clamping settings.

Position the Legs so that they sit just past the first crossbeam from the Home end:

A: First crossbeam from Home end

The position of the Legs should be straight and not twisted to maintain the Y Bench balance, like this:

Assembling the Lower X Beam onto the Y Bench

Lift and align the Lower X Beam to the Y Bench so that the Home label on the Lower X Beam is facing the same direction as the Home label on the Y Bench. 

Align the Lower X Beam wheels and the pinions to the Y Bench channels.

B: Pinion

C: Lower X Beam wheels

The Y Bench pinion and the wheel channels are illustrated below:

D: Pinion channel

E: Wheel channel

Push the Lower X Beam onto the Y Bench.

While pushing you should feel some slight resistance on the wheels as they pop into place.

Push the Lower X Beam onto the Y Bench, and test the fitting to make sure the pinions and the wheels are fully engaged into the channels.

If the lower X beam doesn’t push through, pull the Lower X Beam back out. Realign the wheels and pinions with the channels, and try mounting it again. 

Lift the clamp handles at either end of the Lower X Beam so that they are open and pointing up (this is necessary to prepare for mounting the Upper X Beam).

Do not twist the handle as this will change the clamping settings.

You have successfully fitted the Lower X Beam. 

You will need 

  • Pair of Legs (x1)

A picture containing transportDescription automatically generated

Assembling a pair of legs at Home End

Holding the Y Bench with one hand, remove the Legs that were supporting the Home end of the Y Bench. Reposition them under the end plate of the Y Bench. 

Make sure the clamp handles are open, and in an upright position.

Do not twist the handles as this will change the clamping settings.

Align the leg assembly bolts of the Legs with the slots in the Y Bench end plate.

A: Slots in the Y bench

B: Leg assembly bolt

Slide the Leg assembly bolts into the slots of the Y Bench end plate like this.

It is important that the Legs are correctly positioned inside the Y Bench slots at the exact moment that the clamps are locked in place. 

Do not push the clamp handles down just yet – pay close attention to the next steps, as you will need to lift the whole assembly in a specific way whilst locking the legs into place.

Locking the clamp handles without lifting the assembly in the proper way will result in the legs being fitted at an angle. This will make the whole assembly unstable, and cause problems during machining.

Lift the end plate of the Legs, high enough that the feet are completely lifted off the ground

Keeping the whole assembly lifted, push the handles down.

Do not twist the handle as this will change the clamping settings.

The clamp handles will close at an angle (as shown below) when they are tight. This is to enable easy access to unclamp.

Lower the assembly to the ground, so that the feet are resting on the floor. 

Great, you have installed the second pair of Legs!

You will need 

  • Upper X Beam

A close up of a deviceDescription automatically generated

Installing the Upper X Beam

The Upper X Beam consists of the track that the Z Head moves along, and two stop bars.

Note the home icon on one of the inner faces of the Upper X Beam. 

A: Wheel channels for the Z Head

B: Stop bar

Prior to installing the Upper X Beam, the assembly of the Y Bench and the Lower X Beam should look like this:

C: Y Bench

D: Lower X Beam

Before you begin, ensure the clamp handles on the ends of the Lower X Beam are in an upright (open) position.

Lift the Upper X Beam onto the Y Bench.

Ensure that the Home label on the inside of the Upper X Beam is facing the same direction as the Home label on the Y Bench.

Position the Upper X Beam so that the link cable (E) is on the same side as the stop button (F) on the Lower X Beam

E: Upper X Beam link cable

F: Lower X Beam stop button

Align the Upper X Beam so the forks on each end slide over the clamp bolts, parallel to the skids of the Lower X Beam:

G: Forks on the end of the Upper X Beam

H: Clamp bolts

I: Skids

The fitting should look like this:

J: Clamp handle

K: Skids

L: Forks on the end of the Upper X Beam

Secure the beam in place by pushing the clamp handles down. 

Do not twist the handle as this will change the clamping settings.

The clamp handles will close at an angle when they are tight. This is to enable easy access to unclamp.

Leave the handles in the downside position. 

Do not twist the handle as this will change the clamping settings.

The drag chain latch plates are on the far end of the Upper X Beam:

M: Drag chain latch plates

Slide the cables out by pulling the drag chain latch plates.

N: Power cable

O: Drag chain latch plates

P: Signal cable

Pull out the Z head power and signal cables so that they are laid flat and extend from the end of the Upper X Beam. 

Q: Power cable

R: Latch plate

S: Signal cable

The drag chain latch plates, power and signal cables will all attach to the Z Head in the next part of the assembly.

The Amphenol beam cable is located on the Upper X Beam at the home end as shown below:

A: Amphenol beam cable

The Amphenol beam cable connects to the socket on the underside of the Lower X Beam.

B: Amphenol socket

C: Amphenol cable connector

Plug the cable into the socket as shown below.

D: Amphenol socket

E: Amphenol cable connector

And rotate the cuff anti-clockwise to secure.

F: Cuff

The connection should look this:

You will need 

  • Z Head

Installing the Z Head

Positioning the Z Head

Set up the position for the Z Head prior to mounting it.

The Z Head assembly has to be inserted from the far end of the Upper X Beam, with the extraction elbow facing towards you (pointing away from the Y Bench).

A: Extraction elbow

Do not try to insert the Z Head from the home end of the Upper X Beam.

Align the Z Head wheels and pinions with the Upper X Beam channels

Prior to inserting the Z Head, you will need to align the wheels and pinions of the Z Head with their corresponding channels. 

B: Z Head wheels 

C: Pinions

The Upper X Beam channels for the Z Head wheels and pinions are shown below.

D: Pinion channels

E: Wheel channels

Use the motors on the sides of the Z Head to hold, lift or position the Z Head along the beam.

F: Z Head motors

Position the Z Head on the Upper X Beam as shown:

Take care to align the wheels with the inner channels, and the pinions with the outer channels.

G: Pinion

H: Wheel

G1: Pinion channel

H1: Wheel channel

The wheels (H) and the pinions (G) should fit to their respective channels for correct fitting like this:

Loading the Z Head into the Upper X Beam channels

Load the Z Head by inserting the wheels into the Upper X Beam channels until the Z Head holds onto the beam. 

Load the Z Head partially into the channel, or leave the bottom Z Head tab sticking out of the channel. This is to prepare for the drag chain latch plates to be fitted.

I: Bottom Z Head tab

Connecting the signal cable and latch plate

Connecting left hand side latch plate

Pull the signal cable through the recess channel.

J: Recess channel

K: Signal cable

And rest the signal cable on the recess channel like this:

Place the drag chain latch plate over the rectangular face on the left hand side of the Z Head bottom plate.

L: Latch plate

M: Z Head bottom plate 

Ensure the signal cable sits in the recess channel on the left of the latch plate, as shown below.

K: Signal cable

J: Recess channel

L: Latch plate

Ensure the latch plate sits on the tab of the bottom Z Head plate, and is not partially fit or misaligned as this can damage the wheel channel.

Successful fitment of the latch plate should look like this:

Incorrect fitting is where the latch plate does not properly sit on the tab of the bottom Z Head plate.

Secure the latch plates on the bottom Z plate with a thumbscrew.

N: Thumbscrew

Connecting signal cable

The signal socket located on the left hand side of the Z Head connects to the signal cable.

O: Signal cable

P: Signal socket

The Z Head signal cable has a thumbscrew on the top. Plug the signal cable to the socket, and secure it with the thumbscrew.

Q: Signal cable thumbscrew

The signal cable connection should look like this:

Connecting the power cable and latch plate

Connecting right hand side latch plate

The power cable is located on the right hand side of the Z Head. Pull the power cable through the recess channel.

R: Power cable

S: Recess channel

Rest the signal cable on the recess channel like this:

Place the drag chain latch plate over the protruding face on the right hand side of the Z Head.

T: Z Head bottom plate 

U: Latch plate

Ensure the signal cable sits in the recess channel on the left of the latch plate, as shown below.

R: Signal cable

S: Recess channel

U: Latch plate

Ensure the latch plate sits on the tab of the bottom Z Head plate, and is not partially fit or misaligned as this can damage the wheel channel.

Successful fitment of the latch plate should look like this:

Incorrect fitting is where the latch plate does not properly sit on the tab of the bottom Z Head plate.

Secure the latch plate in place with a thumbscrew.

V: Thumbscrew

Connecting the power cable

The power socket located on the right hand side of the Z Head connects to the power cable.

W: Power cable

X: Power socket

The Z Head power cable has a thumbscrew on the top. Plug the power cable into the socket, and secure it with the thumbscrew.

Y: Thumbscrew

The power cable connection should look like this:

Connecting the spindle

If your SmartBench already comes with a spindle pre-installed in the Z Head, then read through to learn about how to connect the spindle cables to the Z Head.

If the spindle is not already installed, click here to learn how to load the spindle into the Z Head.

The spindle has two cables which connect to the Z Head.

Z1: Z Head spindle-power socket.

Z2: Spindle power cable.

Z3: Spindle signal cable.

Z4: Z Head spindle-signal socket.

Plug the spindle power cable (Z2) into the Z Head spindle-power socket (Z1).

Plug the spindle signal cable (Z3) into the Z Head spindle-signal socket (Z4). 

Fully engage the Z Head

Check that both latch plates and all cable connections are properly mounted and secure.

When you are ready, push the Z Head onto the Upper X Beam until all wheels are engaged.

The dust shoe plug ensures that extraction works efficiently, and prevents swarf from building up over the job surface. 

The dust shoe plug needs to be fitted into the dust shoe, located at the base of the Z head.

The dust shoe slots are located in the middle of the dust shoe.

A: Dust shoe

B: Dust shoe slots

The dust shoe plug tabs slide into these slots.

C: Dust shoe

D: Dust shoe slots

The dust shoe plug needs to be inserted into the front of the Z Head.

Insert the black tabs of the dust shoe plug (E) into the slots of the dust shoe (F). 

When the plug is correctly positioned, the top and bottom of the dust shoe plug will align with the top and bottom of the dust shoe respectively. 

E: Dust shoe plug tab

F: Dust shoe slots

Slide the dust shoe plug until it is completely inside the dust shoe.

G: Dust shoe plug tab

H: Dust shoe slots

The following image shows how the dust shoe and plug slot together, in an example assembly that has been taken out of the Z Head:

The correct fitting of the dust shoe plug inside the Z Head will look like this:

If the dust shoe plug has been fitted incorrectly, the front cover will overlap the bottom Z Head plate: 

The fully fitted dust shoe plug will look like this: 

What is a Z probe plate?

The Z probe plate is used in finding the tool’s zeroth position, or Z datum, relative to the workbench. 

Setting the Z datum can be done automatically using the Z probe plate. SmartBench will lower the tool until it touches the Z probe plate. On touch down, SmartBench receives a signal to give it the position of the Z axis.

Click here to learn more about what a datum is.

Assembling the Z probe plate

A: Z probe plate

Z probe plate housing is located on the right hand side of the Z head as shown below.

Slide the Z probe plate into the housing like this:

B: Z probe plate housing

C: Z probe plate

The signal socket for the Z probe plate is located on the right hand side of the Z Head, close to the base. 

Connect the Z probe plate cable to this socket, as shown: 

The assembly should look like this:

You will need 

  • Console

Installing the Console

The Console attaches to the home end of the Upper X Beam by inserting the 2 forks into the end plate. 

A: Console forks

The slots for mounting the Console are at the home end of the Upper X Beam.

Ensure the forks are inserted fully into the mounting slots as shown below.

Adding the safety bond to the Console

The safety bond prevents the Console from damages in case of a loose fitting, or if the Console slips through the hands of the operator.

Ensure the safety bond is always attached to the Console to avoid damage.

Loop the safety bond through the end plate on the Upper X Beam. 

B: Safety bond

C: Upper X Beam

Attach the safety bond to the Console mounting bracket using the carabiner.

D: Safety bond

E: Carabiner

Connecting the Console cable

The Console cable is an XLR cable, which carries power to the cable, and signals to and from the console. 

F: Console cable

The XLR connector has a locking feature to secure it inside the socket. Pressing the button on the side of the connector will release the locking feature. 

G: Internal latch.

H: Locking button.

The Console cable connects to the XLR socket located on the Upper X Beam or on the right hand side of the Console case fitting.

I: XLR socket

Position the cable connector so that the ridge on the side of the connector is aligned with the channel inside the socket.

J: Ridge on cable connector.

K: Channel inside the socket.

Plug the XLR connector into the socket. 

When the connector has been fully inserted, the locking button on the side of the connector will release, and you will hear a click. 

H: Locking button.

You can check that the cable is secured by gently pulling on it. If it has been fully inserted, the internal locking system will hold it in place. 

Disconnect the Console cable

To disconnect the Console cable, simply squeeze the locking button on the side, and pull the cable out.

H: Locking button.

The extractor is an essential part of the SmartBench system, as it removes swarf during the machining process. This is necessary to make sure the job runs smoothly and safely. 

Always turn the extraction on to avoid potential build up of the swarf on the workpiece.

Build up of swarf on the workpiece can result in high levels of friction and heat at the cutting site. To prevent this, it is critical that swarf is removed from the cutting site during the job, using effective extraction.

If appropriate extraction is not used, the build-up of swarf can force SmartBench out of position while it is cutting. This can cause job failure. 

The extractor connector is located at the underside of the Lower X Beam.

A: Extractor connector

Attach the extraction hose to the connector as shown below

B: Connector 

C: Extraction hose

Connect the extractor power lead to SmartBench

The extractor power lead is used to connect SmartBench with an extractor.

SmartBench has an inbuilt power outlet located underside of the Lower X Beam: 

Connect the extractor lead like this:

D: Extractor power socket

E: Extractor power lead

The extractor power lead connection should look like this:

Make sure the cable is not loose as this will disrupt the connection.

Push the extraction power lead securely into the strain relief clip. The strain relief clip is located on the Lower X Beam as shown below.

Using the strain relief correctly will ensure the cables cannot be removed during the SmartBench operation in case of a pull or snag.

Connect the extractor to power

The extractor maximum power is:

  • 1600 watts if your SmartBench is rated for 230V

Option 1:

You CAN use option 1 (power from SmartBench) if:

  • your SmartBench is rated at 230V and the extractor is rated up to a power rating of 1600W 

Failure to comply with the power specifications may cause fuses to blow. 

Connect your extraction plug to the extraction power lead.

F: Extractor

G: Extraction power lead

H: Extraction plug

The extractor power connection should look like this:

Make sure the cable has enough reach to freely move along the bench, and that it will not catch on any obstacles.

A cable that is not free to move will be under tension, which could cause the plug to be pulled from the mains socket while SmartBench is in operation.

Option 2:

You MUST use an external power supply if:

  • your SmartBench is rated at 230V and the extractor exceeds the power rating of 1600W  

Failure to comply with the power specifications will cause damage to SmartBench. 

Connect your extractor to an external power supply like this:

I: Extractor

J: External power supply

DO NOT plug your extractor into the extractor power lead.

Connect the SmartBench extraction hose to the Z Head

The SmartBench extraction hose is located at the far end of the beam (i.e. opposite to the home end).

K: SmartBench extraction hose

Pull the SmartBench extraction hose (L) from the housing.

L: SmartBench extraction hose

The extraction hose (N) will need to be securely locked into the Z Head elbow (O); the next steps describe how to do this. 

M: Z head 

N: Extraction hose

O: Z head elbow

The Z Head elbow has an “L” shape locking feature as highlighted below.

O: Z head elbow


The extraction hose (P) has a dome nut (R) at the bottom, which acts as a drop bolt. 

Align the dome nut with the channel inside the Z Head elbow, and insert the extraction hose into the Z Head elbow. 

Rotate the extraction hose clockwise to secure it inside the Z Head elbow.

P: Extraction hose

Q: Z head elbow

R: Dome nut

When the extraction hose is locked in place, the drop bolt will no longer be visible. 

The complete assembly should look like this:

When SmartBench is Idle, disconnect the hose from the Z Head, and return it to its housing at the far end of the beam. This will ensure that the hose stays flexible. 

Make sure that both the mains power supply switch and the SmartBench power button is off before you start.

Ensure that the SmartBench power button is switched to off:

A switched off power button should look like this:

If the green band is visible on the power button, this indicates that it is switched to on. Press the button in to turn it off. 

The mains power socket is located on the underside of the Lower X Beam as shown below.

A: Mains socket

The mains socket connects to the power cable.

B: Mains socket

C: Power cable

Plug the power cable into the socket like this:

Check that the cable is fully and securely inserted to ensure smooth operation.

If the cable is loose or not fully inserted, SmartBench might halt during operation. 

Power cable strain relief

The mains power cable needs to be strain relieved. 

Strain relief clips are located on the Lower X Beam as shown below:

Strain relief prevents electrical cables from being pulled loose while the machine is in operation. 

This protects personnel and equipment from harmful exposure to electrical current.

D: Power cable fitted to strain relief clip.

Make sure the cable has enough reach to freely move along the bench, and that it will not catch on any obstacles:

A cable that is not free to move will be under tension, which could cause the plug to be pulled from the mains socket while SmartBench is in operation.

Switching on the mains power supply

Once the power cable connection has been established, don’t forget to switch on the mains power supply!

Releasing the power button

Start by releasing the emergency stop button by twisting it clockwise, as shown below. 

This will power SmartBench.

The Z Head will light up, and you will be welcomed by the Yeti Tool logo.

If the lights or screen do not come on, check that all cables are secured properly, and that the socket switch is turned on. 

If no lights come on, you should check your power and Z head connections. 

If the lights come on but your console does not, you should check the console connection. Click here to learn more about connecting the console.

If SmartBench still does not power on, please submit a support ticket.

SmartBench will take about a minute to load the console software, and the Z Head LEDs will turn yellow.

Starting the console

When you turn on your new SmartBench for the first time, you will need to unlock the console with an activation code before you can use it. 

Read through the first screen, and press “Next”.

As you go through the sequence of screens, you will be able to go back to the previous one at any time by pressing the arrow in the bottom left corner of the screen. 

Accessing the website

The second screen contains a QR code (A) and a link to our website (B). 

Click here to go directly to the webpage where you can submit your details and receive your activation code. 

Or, click here to learn more about how to access console links from your phone. 

Or, you can go to the webpage on your computer by typing the link into the search bar on the internet browser or internet program on your computer.

Register your SmartBench

You will need an account on to register your SmartBench. If you do not have an online account, click here to learn how to set one up.

If you are not already logged in, you will be directed to the login page. Enter your details, and then click here to get back to the SmartBench registration page.

Click here if you need help entering your login details. 

You will need the serial number for your SmartBench in order to activate your warranty, which you can find by pressing the “Next” button on your console.

Fill in the form with your details. In the Product Details section, type in the digits from your serial number (A), and select your Place of Purchase from the dropdown menu (B).

Then press “Activate” to generate your activation code. 

Activate your SmartBench

The next page will show the activation code for your SmartBench:

Go to the next screen on your SmartBench console, and type your activation code into the text box.

Complete your warranty registration

You have completed the warranty registration process. Press “Get started!” to start using SmartBench.

What is homing? 

Homing allows SmartBench to find its zero coordinates in the X, Y and Z Axis. 

You will need to square and home SmartBench before you can use it for the first time. 

The quickest and easiest way to square SmartBench is by using the automatic auto-squaring feature. 

Click here to learn more about homing.

Homing SmartBench

When you finish the warranty registration process, or when you turn on SmartBench, the safety screen is the first screen to come up.

Ensure that you pay close attention to this screen, and read it in full. 

When you are ready to proceed, press the button at the bottom of the screen to confirm that you have read and understood the instruction manual. 

The following screen will ask you if SmartBench needs to auto-square the XY. 

Press “Yes, enable auto-square”.

Ensure SmartBench is clear. 

Remove the extraction hose from the Z head. 

Press the button in the middle of the screen to home. 

SmartBench will start the homing process. 

The console will tell you when SmartBench is carrying out the squaring part of the homing process. 

The auto-squaring process will drive the X beam into the legs and create a loud stalling noise. This is completely normal, and nothing to worry about.

When SmartBench has finished homing, SmartBench will have a green light, and the console will show the main menu screen.

Setting up your network

If you want to transfer cut files and download software updates via your wifi network, the first thing you should do is connect to your network using the Wifi App.

If you are connecting SmartBench to an Apple iPhone hotspot, you will need to follow a slightly different set of instructions to connect to your iPhone for the first time. 

Click here to learn how to connect to an ordinary wireless network, including Android hotspots. 

Click here to learn how to connect to an Apple iPhone hotspot.

Click here if you need to look up your country code, which you will need when you set up your network.

Doing a software update

We regularly release new software updates, which means that there may already be a new update available when you set up SmartBench for the first time. 

It is important that you keep SmartBench up to date in order to get the latest features and bug fixes. 

Click here to learn more about how to check if there is a new update available. 

Click here to learn more about downloading a software update if your SmartBench is connected to wifi. 

Click here to learn more about how to download a software update using your computer and a USB stick.

Calibrating SmartBench in the XY for the first time

SmartBench is calibrated in the XY before it leaves the factory. However, we recommend that you calibrate your machine prior to your first job if: 

  • Your workspace is very warm or very cold. 

  • You are intending to do precision work straight away. 

You can use the Calibration wizard on the SmartBench console to help you do this. 

Click here to learn more about machine calibration. 

Calibrating the laser datum offset

If you have a SmartBench PrecisionPro, now is a good time to set up the laser datum using the Maintenance app. 

Click here to learn more about setting up the laser datum.

Emergency power down

In a worst case scenario where you need to instantly turn off the machine, hit the power button on the Lower X Beam:

Only do this in special emergency situations, as this hard shutdown can damage the workpiece and SmartBench:

  • SmartBench will not be able to decelerate in a controlled way.

  • The spindle will not be able to decelerate or remove itself from the workpiece properly.  

  • Hard shutdowns can cause damage to the internal memory of the console. 

Safe Shutdown

The console is constantly carrying out background processes while it is on. 

It is therefore important to shutdown the console prior to switching the main power off, to avoid unexpected problems with console operation.

Return to the console menu from any active screen currently displayed on the console by tapping the Exit button.

Tap on the shutdown button located at the bottom of the lobby screen.

Tap on the “Shutdown now” button on the warning pop up message.

Wait 30 seconds while the console fully shuts down. 

It is now safe to power off SmartBench by pushing the power button.

Set up SmartTransfer on your computer

SmartTransfer is a computer program that makes it easy to transfer files to SmartBench via your Wi-Fi network. 

We recommend that you set up SmartTransfer before you carry out your first project.

If you do not intend to transfer your files using a Wi-Fi network, you can transfer them using a USB stick instead. Click here to learn more.

Click here to go to the SmartTransfer tutorial. 

Start your first project

Our First Project Tutorial will show you how to carry out a project on SmartBench from start to finish. 

You will be able to download pre-made job files during the tutorial, or you can make them yourself by following the optional Vectric part of the tutorial. 

Click here to go to the First Project Tutorial.

Learn more about SmartBench

If you want to learn more about the technical side of using SmartBench, you can read our guide on Essential Principles. 

Don’t worry – you won’t need to have read this guide before carrying out the First Project Tutorial. If you like, you can read this section while SmartBench is cutting your first project. We’re just putting it here as an option. 

Click here to check out Essential Principles.